Hi guys..
Honestly aku seneng banget karena bisa terlibat dan ikut dalam Bali Democracy Student conference yang diadakan di Nusa Dua Desember lalu (2019).
Bukan hanya seneng sih tapi lebih tepatnya merasa terhormat ketika bisa terlibat langsung dalam konferensi mahasiswa taraf internasional ini, kali aku akan share Outcome dari BDSC III yang dirumuskan oleh 150 mahasiswa dari seluruh dunia :
Bali, Indonesia, 5-6 December 2019
We, 150 students from various universities in 45 countries have gathered in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, 5-6 December 2019, to participate in the 3rd Bali Democracy Students Conference (BDSC III), held parallel with the 12th Bali Democracy Forum (BDF),
Recalling the spirit of “You[th] Make Change as the outcome document of the 2nd BDSC held in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia in 2019;
Recalling the goal number 16 of United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN’s SDGs to ensure inclusive, participatory and representative decision making at all levels;
Having discussed issues and shared our views and experiences on the challenges of making democracy that comprises inclusivity, particularly with regard to pertinent issues such as freedom of expression, digital ecosystem, demographic bonus, Industrial Revolution 4.0, and the role of social media and digital literacy;
Noting the necessity of a transparent and accountable government, that is inclusive and responsive to the needs and interests of its people;
Recognizing the important role of youth as the future generation of the world, youth should participate in decision-making process and enhance involvement of youths in democracy through, including but not limited to, digital platform, in order to create a better world while championing inclusivity in the heart of democracy;
Recognizing that youth who are mostly considered tech-savvy makes up a vast majority of social media users whereby many of the trends in social media are spearheaded by them;
We, agreed to propose the following recommendations:
1. Let there be democracy in democracy
There is no country which has a perfect form of democracy. We are not seeking for the perfection of democracy. Every country has its own way to conduct democracy as their political system. Through dialogue and exchange of ideas, democracy allows us to explore uniqueness and to learn from one another. However, we agree that democracy comprises of principles of freedom, inclusivity and prosperity.
2. We commit to be the guardians of inclusive democracy
As youth, it is our obligation to redirect democracy as it fundamentally should be. It is our time to extend our hands for those groups of people who cannot speak on their own behalf, who cannot voice their concerns, who cannot even enjoy their rights as citizens. We suggest every government to always give equal opportunities to all people.
1. To champion inclusive democracy, we should embrace the advancement of technology smartly
Our generation is given the opportunity to taste the advancement of technology, more than any other generations before, so we must not take it for granted. Given this opportunity is like a double-edged sword, it brings us both opportunities and challenges. The advancement of technology might help us to foster the right conduct of democracy, where we can use it to promote the democratic values. But it might also be a threat for us if we misuse it; spreading the fake news, hate speeches, etc.
2. We commit to promote the responsible use of media
Being free does not mean that we can do whatever we want. Our freedom is limited by the rights of others. We should promote the responsible use of media to spread positivity in the society which supports an inclusive atmosphere.
Hal ini menjadi tujuan penting dan mutlak dalam setiap konferensi yang dilakukan baik itu di taraf Nasional hingga internasional.
Outcome yang dihasilkan ini kemudian dipresentasikan oleh salah satu perwakilan Mahasiswa dalam Acara penutupan Bali Democracy Forum ke 12.
Kiranya dengan outcome ini bisa mendatangkan kemanfaatan di segala aspek terutama kepemudaan yang inklusif dan Democracy secara khusus.
Lampiran Foto yey😊